Steel mill filter element V632G20
Installed in the steel mills, power plants, water plants, hydraulic stations, lubrication stations, thin oil station system, the effective impurities in the oil and particulate matter filtered out to improve the cleanliness of the oil. To ensure the efficient operation of the machine.
Product name:Steel mill filter element V632G20
Filtration efficiency: 99.99%
Filter rating: 1, 3, 6, 12, 25 …um
Structural strength: 1.0Mpa, 2.0Mpa, 16.0Mpa, 21.0Mpa
Application field: hydraulic system, lubrication system
O-Ring: NBR, fluororubber
Material: imported USA HV fiber glass/South Korea oil paper/304,316 stainless steel mesh or domestic material,PP,fiber glass cotton and so on...
Application: Used for hydraulic, lubrication system pressure oil filtration, used to filter out the pollutants in the system to ensure the normal operation of the system
Quality Standard
ISO 2941------Collapse & Burst Resistant
ISO 2942------Fabrication & Integrity Test
ISO 2943------Material Compatibility with Fluids
ISO 3724------Flow Fatigue Characteristics
ISO 3968------Pressure Drop vs. Flow Rate
ISO 16889------Multi-pass Performance Testing
Typical model codes:
Steel mill oil filter element BE-330*10B
Steel mill oil filter element G4161-03-00
Steel mill oil filter element LF-80*450E10
Steel mill oil filter element LF-80*330E10
High pressure oil station filter element RFL-110×5H
Steel mill filter element 0660R010BN4HC
Steel mill filter element XFL-190*10H
Hydraulic oil filter element HDX-25X80
Steel mill filter element LX-800×20
Large steel mill filter element LW-600×20H
HYDAC Hydraulic oil filter element 0330R010BN4HC
Steel mill filter element HX-630x10
Steel mill filter element HDX-63X10
Steel mill filter element PLFX-30
Steel mill filter element 2DGHH-2400*5FS
High pressure filter element HDX-160*10
Hydraulic oil filter element FX-515X100
Hydraulic oil filter element 932623Q
Hydraulic oil filter element 39903281
Hydraulic oil filter element 39903265
LEEMIN Hydraulic oil filter element LH0160DXBN3HC
LEEMIN Hydraulic oil filter element LH0660D020BNHC
LEEMIN Hydraulic oil filter element LH0110D020BN
Hydraulic oil filter element 936700Q
HP0651A10ANMP filtri filter element
Rolling system large flow back to the oil filter element SFX-160
LEEMIN Hydraulic oil filter element WU-160X100
HYDAC hydraulic oil filter element 0400D010BNHC
PALL hydraulic oil filter element HC9600FKP4H
WU-400X80 steel mill LEEMIN Hydraulic oil filter element